Parent Teacher Conferences

To make an appointment click on the name of the teacher you would like to meet with.  Then move to November 3rd.  Once there, you can click on any available time slots and enter your information. 
If you have a special situation or cannot seem to find an appointment slot, please contact that teacher directly.  You can find teacher emails in our staff directory.
Please put your child's name in the comments so the teacher can better prepare for the meeting.


Aldridge, Sabrina

Ametli, Monila

Balanda, William

Barrett, Anamarie

Bartlett, Dale

Berman, Amanda

Boggio, Kelly

Brochu, Kelley

Brown, Linda

Cartier, Laura

Samantha Chuck

Clement, Justin R

Coppola, Lori

Coppola, Salvatore

Cormier, Robert

Craig, Matthew

Crandall, James 

Cuko, Anjeza

D'Andrea, Nicholas 

Daniele, Briana 

Devaney, Mary

DeVoe, Linda

Durant, Lisa

Fell, Julie

Ferguson, Kristin

Fontanella Jill

Michael Forgione

Gallucci, Gabrielle

Galullo, Nicholas

Garcia, Kristin

Garguilo, Brittany

Garrigus, Katie

Giedra, Alyssa

Guerrera, Charlie

Guertin, Zachary

Gunneson, Kelly

Japs, Tyler

Jasulavic, Steven

Klemeshefsky, Kristin

Linda Lee

Leonard, Nicole

Lofgren, Christine

Lorusso, Shelby

Majewski, Audra

Mazurek, Jennifer

McCarthy, Mary

McOmber, Sarah

Miele, MaryLou

Morgan, Natalie

Mrowka, William

Nanfito, Allysia

Napoli, Richard

Neilson, Nicole

Nicol, Deborah

Niemitz, David

Nolan, Barry

Nunes, Isabel

Pelkey, Jennifer

Pennington, Sean

Phelan, George

Richardson, Stacey 

Romaniello, Brittany

Rosa, Mary Ellen

Russo, Stephanie

Scott, Timothy

Smith, Allison

Stange, Deborah

Sweeny, Kristin

Tansley, Stephen

Thies, Michelle

Toller, Matthew

Tutalo, Charles

Valle, Lesa

VanOrmer, Christina

Villano, Taryn

Waitkus, John

Mark Wursthorn

Zimmermann, Laura