Nurse's Corner

A Reminder from the Nurse:

****PLEASE NOTE: If anyone has mobility issues such as crutches or a wheel chair and needs to use the elevator, a note from an MD is required.*****

State Mandated 10th grade physicals:

Students during their 10th grade year are required by state law to have a complete physical examination.

The exam must include a vision and hearing test, blood pressure reading, postural screening,
hemoglobin or hematocrit, tuberculin skin test and verification of any immunization update by
your doctor.

Proof of the physical examination must be submitted on the Health Assessment Record (blue
form), which can be found here or in the health office.

Parents or guardians must fill out the first page and sign the bottom of the form. Your family doctor will complete and sign the second page.

The completed Health Assessment Record must be returned to the Wolcott High School Health
Office before the end of the school year.

The physical examination must have been completed during the school calendar year.

Health Forms can be found on the District Health Services page. Click HERE to access current forms.